Monday, 24 September 2012


 In last lesson we were filming our prelim It is very exciting because it is my first time filming something. What we have to do is to film the fix dialogue but add our own story to it. My role is the director. What I did is giving others people signal for when to start and when to stop. Also look at the shot to make sure that it is good. What I learnt from doing this is the important of communication during filming.This is because the the actors can't see the whole picture and it is really important for the director
                                  to look at the whole picture   and direct the actor and the camera to work together therefore communication between each sections is really important.  

The day before we filming our prelim we planned our story first. Our story is about vandalism so we are quite prepared in terms of costume and props. On the day we have hoodies and colour spray to symbolise vandalism. However in term of practice we haven't try practice the dialogue before so it is quite hard on the day to get everything right. The location we got is in the editing room. In my opinion it doesn't really fit with the vandalism theme but on the other hand I think this vandalism theme can actually apply anywhere. 

Here it comes the problems... Because it is too dangerous to do the real spray because there is a high chance that it is going to go on the wall and make a real mess so this scene that we were planning to do was cut off. 

It is going quite slowly at the beginning as everyone wasn't really sure what to do but after 2 or 3 shots everything goes quite smoothly. 

We learn from last lesson about continuity of the scene therefore when we filming the prelim we didn't forget to put the marks on the floor and watch the door until it close!
For me personally I think this prelim will look great after we edit it. However, what can we do next time is to practise the dialogue before filming it because it will help shorten    the time when we filming.

Filming prelim is a very fun experience.Everyone work very hard without everyone in this group this prelim probably not successful thank you everyone!! 

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